The Monroe Community Players have been producing live theatre that people want to see in the Monroe area for over 75 years. We welcome the whole community to have fun and be part of our shows! Please look around the site and see how you and your family can participate in our upcoming productions!
The purpose of Monroe Community Players is to:
-stimulate interest and promote the theatrical arts
-to provide a means for enhancement of member skills
-to encourage high standards of theatrical production
-to provide education of theatrical arts to its members and to the general public.
MCP does it’s best to keep costs down in order to provide live theatre to the Monroe area. Tickets to our shows are available through this website and at the box office before curtain.
If you are interested in performing, Monroe Community Players has maintained a policy of open casting auditions. You do not have to be a member of MCP to be cast in a show. But if you are cast, we ask that you join MCP at whatever level you feel comfortable at. On occasion, a role may be precast. If a role is precast, it will be announced before auditions.
It takes a lot of work to make a show happen. If acting is not “your thing”, there are a lot of other ways to help!
MCP always welcomes seamstresses or tailors, painters, set builders, business people, ushers and practically any other talent you can name! You are welcome to become involved!
Perhaps you are in a position that you could help financially. Monroe Community Players is a 501(c)3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible! Your generous donations go directly to the production costs. MCP has no full-time paid staff, all of our officers are volunteers.
If you own or work for a business in the area and want to support the arts, we are always looking for business sponsorships for our shows. A sponsorship to pay for our theater rental or royalties? Or perhaps your company would like to underwrite a particular show?
Please contact us at MonroeCP@monroecommunityplayers.org, or leave a message at the Player’s Hotline at (734) 241-7900 and one of our volunteers will be glad to assist you!
If you would like more information about any of our upcoming shows or events, please feel free to email us at MonroeCP@monroecommunityplayers.org. Or call the Player’s Hotline at (734) 241-7900 and leave a message. One of our volunteers will be happy to return your call as quickly as possible!
You can also find out more through our Facebook page! Just search for Monroe Community Players! We invite everyone to ‘Like’ and ‘friend’ us and keep up with all the happenings with the Monroe Community Players! Please look around the site and see how you and your family can participate in and enjoy our productions this season!
Thank you for your interest in Monroe Community Players and we look forward to seeing you at the show!